Monday, 15 May 2017

Recovering account (Update)

I don't know when they changed some info on the account recovery form, and so my old guide was a little bit outdated! I can't confirm that this will help 100% because I never recovered using the new form but as long as you fill out everything correctly , you will be fine :)
I did recovered an account from another Sega's game (World Chain) which is more or less the same and it was successful.

Before proceeding make sure you have these essential infos because they help a lot:

  • Friend ID
  • Transfer ID
  • In-game name
  • Party/ies information
Here is the account recovery website :
Please type everything in Japanese (except your IGN, your friend IGN, etc). Please use Google Translate if you don't understand, and use the Wikia if you don't know the name of your arcanas.

*While filling out your party composition, it is safer to put the main party and the sub party of each party seperately. For example: 
  1. Party 1 : Main party: *imagine the names are in Japanese lol*
    Helios SSR
    Amatsu SSR
    Eshal SSR
    Celeste SSR
    Phoena Cleric SSR
    Yuuri SSR
  2. Party 2: Main party
    Yoshikage SSR
    Armin Arlert
If you have a lot of time in your hand you can even include the denju/kizuna for each arcana. For example : 

  1. Helios SSR (Denju: Rivera)
    Amatsu SSR (Denju: Yoshikage SSR)
    Eshal SSR (Denju: Yuni Warrior SSR)
    Celeste SSR (Denju: Juliana V2)
    Phoena Cleric SSR (Kizuna : Helodia)
    Yuuri SSR (Kizuna: Hasan)

*About Leader character name. They asked you to put the name of the arcana that you set as the leader of your main party, and also the name of the arcanas who are the leaders of other four parties. For example
Main party leader (I assume your main party is party nuimber 1): Helios SSR
Party 2 leader : Amatsu SSR
Party 3 leader: Celeste SSR
Party 4 leader: Eshal SSR
But if the leaders for party 1-4 is the same arcanas just put :
Party 1-4 leader : Helios SSR
*For the name of SSRs you own, try putting the SSRs you can get from Fes or Taverns, like Velnar v1, Musica, Cecil, Devil Homura, Tomoe Mami, Eren Yeager. Try not to put the 'free' arcanas, a.k.a the arcanas you can get from clearing quests or events like Yuuri SSR, Phoena Mage SSR, Mikasa Ackerman, Zaren etc,
*Chances to get back your account is HIGH if you have purchased prysmas since they have the prysma purchase record. If you have never bought any prysmas, please fill each section correctly, and maybe in the future, just buy at least 1 prysma to secure your account (I bought 5 as soon as I got my account).
*As for the reason for inquiry, you can use Google Translate (granted that you input correct English phrase since GT sometimes sucks). You can type sentences like:
  • I forgot my password. (パスワードを忘れた)
  • My password has expired. (私のパスワードは期限切れです)
  • My phone is broken. (私のiPadは壊れています)
  • I lost my phone. (私は自分の携帯を失った)
And to make it sound a little bit polite add [ 私のアカウントを取り戻すのを助けてください.] or the simple [ お願いします. ]

Here is an example of a completed form (none of these information is real I just made it up)

Now check that policy box thing and click confirm (it's actually send). Then there will be a new window showing your completed form, and there will be two buttons, The button on the left is to 'return' and change your informations, and the button on the right is to send.
Not long after you send the form, there will be an automated reply.

this is just an auto reply saying that they will reply you within 24 hours. and if everything goes well, you'll get this email with your new password.

*Please log in to the game with the new password, and when you got in successfully, make a new password quickly. Do save a screenshot, save the password in a note app or write in down on your journal to keep it safe. The password lasts for 6 months, and expires after the 6 months period OR when you used that password to transfer the account into a new device.
I will update this later if there are any mistakes or new addition to the form!


  1. Do you have any idea on how to obtain the query ID?

  2. Hi, I want to ask whether I can retrieve my account or not if one or two of these is missing? My phone crashed and I was not able to do anything with my information including the id. But I still remember a little bit detail of my characters.
